Music as Myth in _O Brother, Where Art Thou?_, or how this movie ruined my childhood.
I, like many people in this class, was born in the year 2000, the same year O Brother, Where Art Thou? was released. Like most moms, my mom sang lots of lullabies to me. O Brother Where Art Thou? is one of my mom’s favorite movies, so naturally she had the CD, and sang the songs from it as she tried to get me to fall asleep. “Didn’t Leave Nobody But the Baby” was one of my favorites, and as I got older I remember learning how to sing harmony from Alison Krauss’ performance of “Down in the River to Pray.” I always knew the recordings I loved were from a movie, but never really thought to watch it. Basically, the soundtrack to O Brother Where Art Thou? was an entirely standalone media experience for me as a kid. You can imagine my surprise upon viewing the Siren scene in the film. But that’s the genius of the Coen brothers’ use of music in O Brother, Where Art Thou? By including the traditional music of the setting in the rural American South, the film creates an immersive se...